Featured Reports

Luke Coffey on Brexit and the Future of the Special Relationship

Jim Townsend, Luke Coffey | November 16, 2018

Technology & National Security

Human Performance Enhancement

Executive Summary No attributes are more foundational to success in combat than the physical and cognitive performance of warfighters. Technological advantage has always playe...

CNAS Welcomes Anna Saito Carson as Vice President of Development

Washington, November 13 - The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is pleased to welcome Anna Saito Carson as Vice President of Development. As a member of the CNAS Execu...

Asia-Pacific Security

At APEC, Pence Has Unique Opportunity to Advance U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy

This is a make or break week for the Trump administration’s economic approach to Asia. A year ago at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) – the region’s premier ...


Audio & Video

  1. Anna Wieslander on Swedish Elections and the Nordic View of European Defense
  2. UK Director of International Security Policy on the US-UK Relationship and a Changing NATO
  3. Quantum Hegemony? China’s Ambitions and the Challenge to U.S. Innovation Leadership
  4. David Cohen talks with Michael Morell on "Intelligence Matters" podcast

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