Transatlantic Security

Within Transatlantic Security

The United States is safer, more prosperous, and more influential in the world when we cooperate and coordinate with our European allies and partners. Today, our historically close relationship with Europe is under strain. Transatlantic partners are concerned that Washington no longer values the relationship and has lost sight of the importance of continuing close collaboration. The current uncertainty in the relationship and its points of contention—including international trade, Iran and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and defense spending—threaten to undermine European security.

Meanwhile, Europe itself is divided. Although the EU has demonstrated its resilience in the face of a series of crises—including the Eurozone crisis, migration, Brexit, and democratic decline in some European Union and NATO member states—these challenges have created fissures. Russian aggression and growing Chinese involvement only further complicate the picture.

These trends generate questions about the future of US foreign policy in Europe and our ability to advance shared values and assure mutual security. The mission of the Transatlantic Security Program is to help decision-makers understand, anticipate, and respond to these challenges.

The Transatlantic Security Program offers comprehensive analysis and concrete recommendations to help US and European policymakers navigate changing relationships and shifting contexts to improve outcomes. We do this by working closely with our network of current and former US and European government officials, private sector partners, and academic experts to translate cutting edge research into policy solutions. We foster high-level US-European dialogue, convene seminars and public forums, and engage with media and citizens outside of Washington—through our Across the Pond, In the Field Initiative—to shape the context in which policies are made.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts Podcast

Brussels Sprouts is a new podcast featuring small bites on Transatlantic Security, NATO, the EU, Russia, and all things Europe. It's hosted by by CNAS Transatlantic Security Experts Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Jim Townsend. Subscribe today!

The Dish

Brussels Sprouts Podcast

Welcome to The Dish! Curated by the CNAS Transatlantic Security Team, the Dish sends you the latest in transatlantic relations once a week. If this is your first time receiving the Dish, click here to sign up!

Across The Pond, In the Field

Brussels Sprouts Podcast

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin have launched a major new project, “Across the Pond, In the Field,” to engage new audiences across the country and better understand how people outside Washington view the transatlantic relationship, trade, alliances, and other foreign policy issues. The three-year project will feature trips to 12 cities, where two American and two European national security leaders will meet with local leaders, public audiences, students, and journalists. Follow the journey via

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