Alliance Requirements Roadmap: How Do Partners Counter A2/AD?

CNAS’ Asia-Pacific Security Program has collected a compendium of working papers to complement its Alliance Requirements Roadmap paper series. These papers were foundational to the analysis in the final report, “Dynamic Balance: An Alliance Requirements Roadmap for the Asia-Pacific Region.” 

CNAS commissioned these working papers and the Alliance Requirements Roadmap series from experts on the U.S.-Japan alliance, anti-access area denial (A2/AD) challenges, and partner countries in Asia. This compendium of working papers is divided into three sections—Japan, functional areas, and country perspectives. Each chapter examines an issue related to how allies and partners can counter A2/AD challenges in the Indo-Pacific in the short-term and long-term.

The working papers in this compendium appear here in their original, unedited format. The views expressed are not necessarily a reflection of CNAS’ views and are the authors’ alone. They are solely responsible for any errors in fact, analysis, or omission. 

Reports in this Series

Asia-Pacific Security

The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Responding to China’s A2/AD Threat

In this paper, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Vice Admiral (Ret.) Yoji Koda looks into China’s regional and underlines the importance of a closely knit U.S.-Japan alliance ...

Asia-Pacific Security

Third Offset Strategy and Chinese A2/AD Capabilities

Richard A. Bitzinger, Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Military Transformations Program at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, examines the feasibilities of...

Asia-Pacific Security

Smarter Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

In this paper, CNAS Military Fellow Commander Jennifer Couture points out that countering China’s A2/AD strategies in the future not only requires advanced technology, but cal...

Asia-Pacific Security

Security Cooperation: The Key to Access and Influence in the Asia-Pacific

In this paper, BowerGroupAsia Senior Director Desmond Walton examines the increasing value returned by the development of strategic networks of regional military relationships...

Asia-Pacific Security

The Promise of Unmanned Systems in the Asia Pacific

In this paper, CNAS Associate Fellow Kelley Sayler analyzes the proliferation of unmanned systems—particularly UAVs—within the framework of the increasingly contentious issue ...

Asia-Pacific Security

Flashpoints, Escalation, and A2/AD

In this paper, CNAS Senior Fellow Dr. Mira Rapp-Hooper examines three prominent escalation scenarios in the Asia-Pacific in the context of China’s developing area-denial/anti-...

Asia-Pacific Security

Exploiting Amphibious Operations to Counter Chinese A2/AD Capabilities

In this paper, Japan Forum Senior Fellow Colonel Grant Newsham, USMC (Ret.) examines how a mobile amphibious force with air, sea, and ground capability can effectively degrade...

About the Project

From August 2015 until April 2016, the CNAS Asia-Pacific Security Program examined how the United States, together with its allies and partners, counter anti-access and area-denial (A2/AD) challenges in the Indo-Pacific in the short-term and long-term. A major part of this research focused on leveraging emerging technologies and concepts of operations associated with developing Third Offset and strategies. This study aims to recommend a practical and integrated strategy for bolstering a regional network of allies and partners.

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