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An Indispensable Force: Investing in America's National Guard and Reserves

Sep 23, 2010
1:30pm to 3:00pm

The Willard InterContinental Hotel - Washington, DC

Date and Time:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
1:00 p.m.: Check-in and Registration
1:30-3:00 p.m.: Event

To RSVP for this event, please click here.

On September 23, 2010, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) will launch its new report on continuing challenges facing the National Guard and Reserves at an event featuring a panel discussion with outside defense experts.

The CNAS report, authored by CNAS President Dr. John Nagl and Research Associate Travis Sharp, examines the recommendations of the 2008 report from the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves (CNGR).


Dr. Kristin Lord
Vice President for Studies, Center for a New American Security


Arnold Punaro
Former Chairman, Commission on the National Guard and Reserves
CEO, The Punaro Group


Dr. John Nagl
President, Center for a New American Security

Maren Leed
Senior Fellow and Director, CSIS New Defense Approaches Project

Dennis M. McCarthy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

General Craig R. McKinley, USAF
Chief, National Guard Bureau

*Additional speakers to be announced.

The CNAS report found that while some of the Commission's recommendations were implemented immediately, others require long-term attention to come to fruition. CNAS has partnered with the former members of the Commission to produce a report card on the status of implementing the Commission's recommendations.

Through this joint assessment, CNAS and CNGR Commissioners will call attention to continuing challenges, provide high quality analysis of those challenges, propose potential solutions, and encourage the U.S. government to enact needed reforms.