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ASEAN’s Role in Providing Maritime Security

Feb 13, 2014
8:00am to 12:00pm

Willard InterContinental Hotel
Washington, DC

ASEAN’s Role in Providing Maritime Security

The Center for a New American Security held a public, on-the-record experts’ discussion on ASEAN’s role in providing maritime security. The event was part of a series that the CNAS Asia-Pacific Security Program organized on maritime security issues in the region. 

Tensions over states’ overlapping territorial claims in the South China Sea have continued to mount and many of ASEAN’s member states are or have been claimants of disputed land and sea territory.  ASEAN, however, has been unable to come to a consensus on a maritime code of conduct for the South China Sea. 

In light of these considerations, the event’s first panel broadly examined the maritime security concerns within Southeast Asia, including issues in South China Sea, as well as role of Japan, the United States and outside countries in the region.  The event’s second panel focused on the specific role ASEAN can and should play in the year ahead and beyond, in light of considerations such as Myanmar’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2014.




This conference brought together a distinguished group of leading experts on strategy, military affairs, and the international security politics of the Asia-Pacific. This conference will bring together a distinguished group of leading experts on strategy, military affairs, and the international security politics of the Asia-Pacific. Speakers and discussants include: Dr. Thomas J. Bickford, Asia Analyst, China Security Affairs Group, Center for Naval Analyses; The Honorable Dr. Patrick M. Cronin, Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the CNAS Asia-Pacific Security Program; Richard Fontaine, President, Center for a New American Security; Michael H. Fuchs, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Strategy and Multilateral Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State; Dr. Ken Jimbo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University; Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, Director of Asia-Pacific Programs, United States Institute of Peace; Dr. Satu Limaye, Director, East-West Center in Washington; Walter Lohman, Director, Asia Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation; His Excellency Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to the United States; Nguyen Hung Son, Deputy Director General, Vietnam Institute of East Sea (South China Sea) Studies; Dr. Marvin Ott, Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center; VADM Alexander P. Pama, AFP (Ret.), Undersecretary, Office of the Executive Secretary, Office of the President of the Philippines; Dr. Ely Ratner, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of the CNAS Asia-Pacific Security Program; Yuki Tatsumi, Senior Associate, East Asia Program, The Henry L. Stimson Center; and Dr. Carlyle A. Thayer (via taped video teleconference), Emeritus Professor, University of New South Wales.