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Citizen Soldier: Movie Screening and Panel Discussion

Sep 21, 2016
5:00pm to 8:00pm

U.S. Navy Memorial
Washington, DC

The Center for a New American Security and Strong Eagle Media hosted a screening of the feature film Citizen Soldier, depicting the deployment of the Oklahoma Army National Guard's 45th Brigade Combat Team to Afghanistan in 2011.

The event included a panel discussion featuring:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
2nd District, Hawaii

GEN Craig R. McKinley, USAF (Ret.)
Chief, National Guard Bureau
Wendy R. Anderson
Partner, Strong Eagle Media
Executive Producer, Citizen Soldier

Dr. Jason Dempsey
Adjunct Fellow, Military, Veterans & Society Program
Center for a New American Security

SSG Justin Smith
Kansas Army National Guard*
Veteran, 45th Brigade Combat Team

Phillip Carter
Senior Fellow and Director, Military, Veterans & Society Program
Center for a New American Security

About the Film

CITIZEN SOLDIER is a dramatic feature film, told from the point of view of a group of Soldiers in the Oklahoma Army National Guard's 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, known since World War II as the "Thunderbirds.” Set in one of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan at the height of the surge, it is a heart-pounding, heartfelt, grunt’s eye-view of the war.

A modern day Band of Brothers, Citizen Soldier tells the true story of a group of young Soldiers and their life-changing tour of duty in Afghanistan, offering an excruciatingly personal look into modern warfare, brotherhood, and patriotism. Using real footage from multiple cameras, including helmet cams, these Citizen Soldiers give the audience an intimate view into the chaos and horrors of combat and, in the process, display their bravery and valor under the most hellish of conditions.

These Citizen Soldiers are patriotic men and women, one day working 9-to-5 jobs, the next day deploying to the front lines of war. One of them is Sgt. Eran Harrill – a born leader, devoted single father, and head of his local Chamber of Commerce. When Eran’s unit was called up, he deferred his education and deployed to fight for his country. This is his story, but it is also the story of Citizen Soldiers everywhere – fighting America's wars when called upon, building global partnerships when asked, and protecting the homeland at all costs.

Map showing event location
U.S. Navy Memorial
701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004