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Toward a Common North Korea Strategy

Dec 14, 2017
12:30pm to 4:00pm

The Washington Court Hotel Grand Ballroom (Lower Lobby)
Washington, D.C.

Toward a Common North Korea Strategy: ROK-U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Cooperation

On behalf of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC), you are cordially invited to attend an event on “Toward a Common North Korea Strategy: ROK-US Foreign Policy and Security Cooperation.”

At an official state visit to Seoul in early November, Presidents Trump and Moon advanced a common agenda on North Korea and bilateral relations. How will the two governments’ policies develop in 2018 and beyond? This timely discussion will examine U.S. and Korean perspectives on both countries’ North Korea policy and the future of the U.S.-ROK alliance.

Featuring a Discussion with:

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D.
California, 7th District

Seong-Ryoul Cho
Chief Researcher,
Institute for National Security Strategy
Dr. Patrick Cronin
Senior Advisor and Senior Director,
Asia-Pacific Security Program
Center for a New American Security
Deong-Ryong Kim
Executive Vice-Chairperson,
National Unification Advisory Council
Prof. Joon-Hyung Kim
Handong Global University
Dr. Young-Joon Kim
Senior Research Fellow,
Institute for National Security Strategy
Bruce Klingner
Senior Research Fellow,
Northeast Asia
Heritage Foundation
Dr. Katharine Moon
Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of Asian Studies,
Wellesley College
Anthony Ruggiero
Senior Fellow,
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Prof. Jung-kun Seo
Kyung Hee University
Prof. Bo-hyung Suh
Research Professor,
Institute for Peace and Unification Studies
Seoul National University
Dr. Sue Mi Terry
Senior Fellow,
Korea Chair
Center for Strategic and International Studies


The Washington Court Hotel
Grand Ballroom (Lower Lobby)
525 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20001

Thursday, December 14, 2017
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Registration opens at noon.
Lunch will be served.

Register for the event

Map showing event location
The Washington Court Hotel Grand Ballroom (Lower Lobby)
525 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20001