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CNAS Roundtable on Security, Anticorruption, and Governance

Feb 23, 2017
10:00am to 11:30am

Washington, DC

CNAS will host a roundtable to discuss U.S. anticorruption efforts in the context of U.S. national security and foreign policy goals.

Many stakeholders are concerned that the progress of recent years (DOJ’s anti-kleptocracy work, FCPA enforcement, the Open Government Partnership, embassy-level anticorruption initiatives, security sector assistance reform, etc.) could lose support or be undone.  Indeed last week Congress repealed a landmark SEC rule to prevent corruption in the extractive sector, mandated by Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act.

The roundtable will bring together U.S. government representatives (civilian and military) from several agencies, and Congressional staff, academic, think tank, philanthropy, and NGO representatives.

By invitation only. 

Map showing event location
Washington, DC