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Economic Levers of U.S. Policy Toward North Korea

Jul 27, 2017
9:30am to 11:00am

CNAS Offices
Washington, DC


Dr. Patrick Cronin
Senior Advisor and Senior Director
Asia-Pacific Security Program
Center for a New American Security

Edward Fishman
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Rachel Ziemba
Managing Director, Emerging Markets Research

Moderated by:
Peter Harrell
Adjunct Senior Fellow
Energy, Economics, and Security Program
Center for a New American Security

In recent months, North Korea has escalated tensions with the international community with a series of missile tests culminating in the intercontinental ballistic missile launch on July 4. As leaders around the world contemplate possible policy options to address the North Korean threat, it has become apparent that any response, whether it includes a military option or not, will carry significant economic implications for the United States, particularly if it involved targeting Chinese entities. In this period of rapid developments, this panel event will include discussion of: (1) the current North Korean nuclear threat; (2) the role of sanctions in confronting this danger; and (3) the potential implications to the U.S. - China relationship, and the Chinese economy, of any tough sanctions imposed on Chinese entities cooperating with North Korea.

The event will coincide with the launch of a CNAS report on "A Blueprint for New Sanctions on North Korea." Download today.

Map showing event location
CNAS Offices
1152 15th Street NW
Suite 950
Washington, DC 20005