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Future Foundry: A New Strategic Approach for Military-Technical Advantage

Dec 14, 2016
9:00am to 10:30am

JW Marriott
Washington, DC

Featured Speakers

  • William J. Lynn III

    Former Deputy Secretary of Defense

  • The Honorable Sean O'Keefe

    Former Administrator of NASA

  • Ben FitzGerald

    Senior Fellow and Director, Technology and National Security Program, CNAS


Featured Speakers

  • Michèle Flournoy

    CNAS Board of Director, Chief Executive Officer, WestExec

  • Raj Shah

    Managing Partner, Defense Innovation Unit Experimental

  • Christian Brose

    Staff Director, United States Senate Committee on Armed Services

  • Gordon Lubold

    Pentagon Reporter, The Wall Street Journal


About the Event

Future Foundry builds on two years of research by the CNAS team describing the challenges faced by the global defense industry in Creative Disruption and considering the Department of Defense's attempts to maintain military-technical superiority in Beyond Offset. Through these prior projects, CNAS has helped establish a clear case that the DoD and its industry partners must adapt in order to cope with a changing threat landscape, the decentralization of innovation, and the democratization of technology. 

The DoD must develop and implement a new strategic approach to generate and maintain technological superiority; one that fundamentally shifts the basis of the DoD's advantage by creating an elegant alignment between the nation's strategic needs, available technologies, and the various business models through which the DoD develops and fields military capabilities. The Future Foundry Report provides a positive vision for how the Department of Defense can establish such an approach to generate military-technical advantage, drive institutional reform, and collaborate more effectively with a wide range of industry partners. 

Map showing event location
JW Marriott
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004