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Presentation: A look at the European Intervention Initiative (EI2)

Oct 3, 2018
4:00pm to 5:00pm

Washington, DC

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) cordially invites you to attend a presentation by Brigadier General Bertrand Toujouse, the head of the International Affairs Department at the French Ministry of Defense, on the European Intervention Initiative (EI2). General Toujouse is one of the architects of EI2 and will share his views on the goals, development, and implementation of the initiative. Upon the conclusion of the presentation, CNAS CEO Ambassador Victoria Nuland will take part in a moderated discussion with General Toujouse, followed by audience Q&A.

The European Intervention Initiative is a non-binding framework for military cooperation between European nations who agree to carry out international operations together in defense of European security interests. This French initiative is designed to help improve European military capacity.

**This event will be on the record, but photography is not permitted.

Map showing event location
1152 15th Street, NW Suite 950
Washington, DC 20005