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Press Briefing on Iraq with John Nagl, Colin Kahl, and Shawn Brimley

Aug 13, 2008
8:00am to 6:00pm

The Center for a New American Security
Washington, DC

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held a press briefing on Wednesday, August 13, with Senior Fellows John Nagl, Colin Kahl, and Shawn Brimley on their recent trip to Iraq.  They traveled to Iraq on the invitation of General David Petraeus.  

Nagl, Kahl, and Brimley received high-level briefings, visited multiple Iraqi provinces, and spoke with a number of Iraqi politicians and citizens.

The briefing focused on the consolidation of security gains, the importance of provincial elections, the prospects for a new bilateral security relationship with Iraq, the status of Iraqi Security Forces, and recommended American strategy going forward. They made short opening statements and then opened the discussion to questions from the media.