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Quantum Technologies and National Security

Nov 28, 2017
1:00pm to 2:00pm

Washington, D.C.

Quantum Technology: What Every National Security Professional Needs to Know

Presentation By:

Michael J. Biercuk
Professor of Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology
The University of Sydney
CEO & Founder, Q-Ctrl

Hosted By: 

Paul Scharre 
Senior Fellow and Director, Technology and National Security Program
Center for a New American Security

About the Event: 

Quantum technologies have the potential to defeat modern crypto-systems and provide otherwise unimaginable computational capabilities. The current strategic-analysis landscape for quantum technology is obscured in part by aggressive marketing and the overall complexity of the field, however. Professor Michael J. Biercuk will cut through the hype to explain quantum technology, its promise, and the reality of the state-of-the-art. 

Join us for a presentation by Professor Biercuk on the national security implications of quantum technologies followed by a Q&A session to dissect this exciting field.

Map showing event location
Washington, D.C.