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Roundtable Discussion with Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro

Sep 27, 2011
4:00pm to 5:30pm

Center for a New American Security
Washington, DC

From responding to the Arab Spring to building new partnerships in Southeast Asia and expanding partner capacity in Africa, U.S. security assistance is proving to be a critical tool of American foreign policy. In the years ahead, as the United States seeks to address global security challenges, strengthen alliances, and build partnership capacity, demand for U.S. security assistance will only expand. But in this tight budget environment, creative new approaches may be needed. The newly proposed Global Security Contingency Fund is such an approach and may become an important part of U.S. security assistance. On September 27th, the Center for a New American Security hosted a roundtable conversation with Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro to discuss the future of United States security assistance efforts, the lessons learned from recent events, and the case for establishing the new Fund.

Read the transcript from the event here.