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The Next President: A World of Challenges

Sep 15, 2008
2:45pm to 4:30pm

The Center for a New American Security and its consortium partners hosted a bipartisan roundtable discussion to assess the U.S. foreign policy challenges confronting the next American president with five former Secretaries of State -- Madeleine K. Albright, James A. Baker, III, Warren Christopher, Henry Kissinger, and Colin L. Powell.  The forum took place on Monday, September 15, 2008, from 2:45pm to 4:30pm in George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium.  This important discussion entitled “The Next President: A World of Challenges” occurred as the general election campaign swung into high gear, and the presidential candidates and the world focus on complex global issues ranging from violent extremism, the global economy, and climate change.  Secretaries Albright, Baker, Christopher, Kissinger and Powell’s unique discussion offered valuable insight to the national debate that was underway over the future direction of American global leadership and the role of diplomacy.  The event was hosted by The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs and School of Media and Public Affairs, Center for a New American Security, Rice University’s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, and The City College of New York’s Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies.  Cooperating as media partners, CNN and America Abroad broadcasted the event as a special report.  The event was moderated by Frank Sesno, director of GW’s Public Affairs Project and CNN special correspondent, and Christiane Amanpour, CNN chief international correspondent.

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