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Voices from the Field: Majors Jin Pak and Kendric H. Robbins

Dec 3, 2009
12:00pm to 1:30pm

Center for a New American Security
Washington, DC

On December 3, 2009, the Center for a New American Security hosted Majors Jin Pak and Kendric Robbins of the U.S. Army as part of our Voices from the Field series. Majors Pak and Robbins discussed our countries ongoing efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as military officership, veterans’ issues, and U.S.-Asia affairs.

Major Robbins – currently a White House Fellow -- most recently served as the operations officer and later executive officer of Task Force 2-6 Infantry while deployed to Salman Pak, Iraq.  Prior to that, Ken commanded a cavalry troop as part of the NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia.   Ken has served as an assistant professor and executive officer in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, were he taught courses on American politics and mentored future officers.

Major Jim Pak most recently served as the executive officer of the 201st Brigade Support Battalion, 3d Brigade, 1st Infantry Division while deployed to the N2KL region of Afghanistan.    Prior to that, Jin was the S-4 (logistics officer) of the brigade as it activated at Fort Hood, TX, just fourteen months prior to deployment to Afghanistan.  Jin was also deployed to the Balkans as part of the NATO Stabilization Force enforcing the Dayton Peace Accords.  Jin is currently the Military Assistant (Aide) to the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4 (Logistics) at the Pentagon. Jin also served as an assistant professor and executive officer in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point.  He is the author of numerous articles to include, “China’s Pragmatic Rise and US Interests in East Asia,” which was published in the Nov-Dec 2007 issue of Military Review, and a chapter on North Korea in The Handbook of Defence Politics. 

Voices from the Field is a program that provides military and civilian leaders who return from the front lines a venue to speak and write to ensure their unique and invaluable insights inform the D.C. community.