Samuel Charap

Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2009-2010

Associate Director for the Russia and Eurasia Program, American Progress

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Samuel Charap is Associate Director for the Russia and Eurasia Program at American Progress. He focuses on the domestic politics and foreign policy of the former Soviet states and U.S. policy in the region. Previously he was a visiting fellow in the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Samuel has consulted on political risks in Russia and Eurasia for Medley Global Advisors, the Eurasia Group, and Oxford Analytica. He has also served in the NATO Liaison Office in Kyiv, Ukraine and briefed U.S. government officials on Russia policy.

Samuel’s work has been published in the Washington Quarterly, the International Herald Tribune, the Moscow Times, and several other journals and newspapers. His commentary has appeared in numerous news outlets, including the BBC, Reuters TV, and NPR.

Samuel holds a doctorate in political science and an M.Phil. in Russian and East European studies from the University of Oxford, where he was a Marshall Scholar. He received his B.A. from Amherst College. He was a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Moscow Center and the International Center for Policy Studies (Kyiv), and a Fulbright Scholar at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Samuel is fluent in Russian and proficient in Ukrainian.

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