January 01, 2016

A higher paycheck for more women in the military

Featuring Katherine Kidder

Source: Marketplace

The New Year is a new start for the American military. All branches of the armed service were supposed to turn in their detailed plans for how women will be fully integrated into all roles, including combat positions, by January 1, 2016. Then, starting January 2 and no later than April 1, the branches of the military will have to implement those plans.

With all the new jobs opening up, especially in combat roles, more pay grades are opening up as well. Kathrine Kidder is the Bacevich fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a military-focused think tank.

Read the full article in Marketplace.


  • Katherine Kidder

    Former Fellow, Military, Veterans, and Society Program

    Katherine Kidder was a former Fellow in the Military, Veterans, and Society Program and the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). In that capacity, she led the CNAS Rebui...