February 05, 2018

How top US diplomat pushed back against Russian hacking

Featuring Victoria Nuland

Source: Politico

Journalist Susan B. Glasser

By the summer of 2016, Victoria Nuland’s “Spidey sense” told her something was very wrong.

That spring, Nuland, the top State Department official charged with overseeing U.S. policy toward Russia, was one of those who had “first rung the alarm bell” inside the Obama administration, warning that Russia appeared to be trying to “discredit the democratic process” in the United States as part of a concerted 2016 strategy.

Now, the Russian campaign was turning out to be even more serious than she had imagined. She had known since late 2015 that the Democratic National Committee’s email servers had been hacked; all these months later, the stolen DNC emails were being publicly released by websites known to be Russian conduits right on the eve of the Democratic convention, and the hack would soon be confirmed as a Russian operation by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Read the full article here.


  • Victoria Nuland

    Chief Executive Officer

    Ambassador Victoria Nuland is Chief Executive Officer at the Center for a New American Security. She is also the Brady-Johnson distinguished practitioner in the Grand Strategy...