October 29, 2013

How we can make better generals

Featuring Katherine Kidder, Kelley Sayler, David W. Barno, and USA (Ret.)

Source: Foreign Policy

CNAS (the impressive team of Barno, Bensahel, Kidder, and Sayler) just put out a terrific study on how to improve the quality of generals in the U.S. military.

You should read the whole thing, but here are some of the key recommendations:

-More education for senior leaders.

-Longer time in assignments.

-Performance reviews for three and four star officers.

-Two tracks for generals -- either warfighting or management.


  • Katherine Kidder

    Former Fellow, Military, Veterans, and Society Program

    Katherine Kidder was a former Fellow in the Military, Veterans, and Society Program and the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). In that capacity, she led the CNAS Rebui...

  • Kelley Sayler

    Kelley Sayler is a former Associate Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), where she worked with the Defense Strategies and Assessments Program and the ...

  • David W. Barno

  • USA (Ret.)