March 06, 2018

Is the top general in Afghanistan in too deep?

Featuring Dr. Jason Dempsey

Source: Politico

Journalist Wesley Morgan

For Army Gen. John "Mick" Nicholson, the war in Afghanistan is deeply personal.

The top commander in charge of President Donald Trump's revamped strategy to “fight to win” has spent much of the last decade-plus fighting the Taliban and other militant groups, forging deep bonds with Afghan leaders. He has also lost scores of his own troops — sacrifices that at times have made him more reluctant than other commanders to cede territory to the enemy, and deaths he repeatedly cites as a reason to keep fighting.

"We will deliver on your sacrifice," Nicholson recently pledged to troops who have served in America's longest war and "especially those who've been wounded and to the families of our fallen comrades."

Read the full article in Politico.


  • Dr. Jason Dempsey

    Adjunct Senior Fellow, Military, Veterans, and Society Program

    Jason Dempsey is an Adjunct Senior Fellow of the Military, Veterans, and Society Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Dr. Dempsey has written extensively ...