April 01, 2016

North Korea, Nuclear Safety, and Lessons From the Iran Deal

Featuring David Asher

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Journalists Robert S. Litwak, Wilson Center

Since 2010 these meetings have spearheaded progress in securing some 2,000 tons of weapons-grade nuclear material around the world, with the goal of denying terrorist groups such as Islamic State the essential component to build a weapon. Still, much work remains to secure nuclear material in the former Soviet republics, South Africa, and elsewhere. And theft or purchase of a weapon are the more immediately plausible routes of terrorist acquisition.

Concern about these two routes to nuclearization focuses on Pakistan and North Korea. Pakistan has the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Read the full article in The Wall Street Journal.


  • David Asher

    Adjunct Senior Fellow

    David Asher is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), where he specializes in Economics and Security as well as Asia strategy. His current ...