October 17, 2017

Press Release: CNAS and 21st Century Fox Launch National Security Film & Television Series

Featuring Neal Urwitz

Washington, October 18 – The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and 21st Century Fox (21CF) are pleased to announce the launch of the CNAS-21CF Film Series. The series will feature panel discussions with policy experts and elected officials around screenings of upcoming 21st Century Fox films and television programs that address national security and veterans issues.

The first event in the series will focus on National Geographic’s new miniseries The Long Road Home, based on ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz’s eponymous book. In addition to a screening of the first two episodes in the miniseries, the event will feature a roundtable discussion with Raddatz; CNAS’ Phillip Carter; Gen. Peter Chiarelli, USA (Ret.); Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ); and Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). CNAS and 21st Century Fox will announce other events in the near future.

“So much of how we think about war, the struggles of veterans returning home, and how America makes decisions to put our troops in harm’s way are informed by what we see on TV and in the movies,” said CNAS CEO Michèle Flournoy. “From Patton to The Longest Day to Courage Under Fire, films often expose us to the most complicated and critical issues in national security. For an American citizenry increasingly removed from the experiences of men and women in uniform, movies and TV shows provide one of the best ways for people to understand the sacrifices of those who serve. I am honored CNAS is taking part in such an important series.”

Chip Smith, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs at 21st Century Fox, agreed with Flournoy’s assessment. “At 21st Century Fox, our goal is to produce content that not only entertains, but also educates and inspires audiences around the world. Through this partnership with CNAS, we hope to use our programming to shine a spotlight on issues of war and peace that most Americans would otherwise never confront and spur substantive discussion of real policy solutions to improve our national security and protect those who serve this great nation.”

For more information, please contact Neal Urwitz at nurwitz@cnas.org or call 202-457-9409.


The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is an independent and nonpartisan research institution that develops strong, pragmatic and principled national security and defense policies. CNAS leads efforts to help inform and prepare the national security leaders of today and tomorrow.


  • Neal Urwitz

    Former Director of External Relations

    Neal Urwitz was the former Director of External Relations at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). In that capacity, Mr. Urwitz was responsible for the organization’s...