February 12, 2018

Russia Is Still Exploiting America's Divisions

Featuring Victoria Nuland

Source: The Atlantic

Journalist Matt Peterson

Russian meddling in American democracy didn’t start with Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, and, new reporting makes clear, it hasn’t ended with his inauguration.

The New York Times and the Intercept reported Friday that a Russian intermediary attempted to sell compromising material on the president to American intelligence agencies last year. What started in an effort to recover American hacking secrets apparently turned into an offer by a shadowy Russian to provide the Americans a “video of Mr. Trump consorting with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room in 2013,” according to the Times. The Russian, in other words, apparently intimated that the infamous “pee tape” was real. He offered to sell it to the very intelligence agencies that Donald Trump has personally attacked over allegations that his election victory was tainted.

Read the full article in The Atlantic.


  • Victoria Nuland

    Chief Executive Officer

    Ambassador Victoria Nuland is Chief Executive Officer at the Center for a New American Security. She is also the Brady-Johnson distinguished practitioner in the Grand Strategy...