November 22, 2017

Where Washington’s North Korea policy goes from here

Featuring Patrick M. Cronin

Source: NK News

Journalist Oliver Hotham

Donald Trump’s first ten months have been whirlwind for North Korea watchers. From “fire and fury” to “maybe someday he will be my friend”, it’s been an unusual time to have an eye on how the world’s most powerful nation deals with Pyongyang, especially as the DPRK’s missile and nuclear program grows closer and closer to completion.

It’s been a shock in Washington DC, too, and the first few months of the administration were chaotic. Amid the jostling for the newly-vacated positions in the foreign policy world, Patrick Cronin, longtime Senior Director at the ‎Center for a New American Security (CNAS), was swept up in something of a political firestorm: in line for a “plum” job (the words of the Washington Times) at a Pentagon-linked think tank, he was outed as a “never-Trumper.”

Things have quietened down now – Cronin has even met with the President’s arch-controversialist and now-deposed Chief of Strategy Steven Bannon. But despite this, he still doesn’t appear 100% on the Trump train.

Read the full interview here.


  • Patrick M. Cronin

    Senior Advisor and Senior Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program

    Patrick M. Cronin is a Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Previously, he was the Senior ...