October 15, 2014

CNAS Announces Formation of New Program to be Led by Former Director of Naval History Jerry Hendrix

By Jerry Hendrix


Washington, October 15 – The Center for New American Security (CNAS) is pleased to announce the launch of the Defense Strategies and Assessments program, which will be directed by new Senior Fellow Dr. Jerry Hendrix, who recently retired as a Navy Captain and Director of Naval History after a distinguished career.
The Defense Strategies and Assessments Program will work to identify the strategic investment choices and opportunities available to preserve American military dominance in the face of emerging security challenges. The program will consider the evolving future security environment, develop alternative concepts of operations and force structure, and mine past security paradigms for lessons applicable to current challenges.
The Defense Strategies and Assessments Program will propose pragmatic recommendations, within realistic fiscal and political constraints, to preserve the United States' role as a military leader in the world. The program will include analysis of wargaming, military history, alternative force structures and their strategic implications, service roles and missions, and the evolution of the precision-guided weapons regime.
CNAS’ 20YY Warfare Initiative, led by Paul Scharre, will play a key role in the broader program, as it explores how emerging technologies are shaping the future of warfare.
“We are thrilled that Jerry chose CNAS after a stellar career in the Navy,” said CNAS CEO Michèle Flournoy. “We know that Jerry will build on CNAS’ established reputation as a source of insight and action on key defense issues.”
Dr. Hendrix arrived at CNAS in September following several tours throughout the strategic community. As the Director of Naval History, he led efforts to preserve, protect, and promote the Navy’s history following a critical 2011 Inspector General’s report. Under his leadership the Naval History and Heritage Command addressed critical shortfalls and earned the Meritorious Unit Commendation. As Director of the Secretary of the Navy’s Advisory Panel, he led analytic efforts focused on the Navy’s position in the Western Pacific as well as exploring sources of alternative energy for the service. These efforts followed two years of service as the Military Assistant to the Director of the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. In this role Dr. Hendrix aided the Director of ONA in forecasting future security environments and in wargame analysis. This followed two years in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy where he led alternative force structure analysis as well as serving as a staff secretary for the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review.

“Dr. Hendrix comes to CNAS with a stellar reputation as a defense intellectual and leader,” said Executive Vice President and Director of Studies Shawn Brimley. “Key officials in the Pentagon regularly enlisted Jerry’s help in recent years, and we’re excited to have him at CNAS where he and Paul Scharre will continue to impact the debate.”

Dr. Hendrix is the author of Theodore Roosevelt’s Naval Diplomacy as well as numerous articles in various professional journals to include “Buy Fords Not Ferraris” and the influential 2013 CNAS report, At What Cost a Carrier?

He has been awarded a bachelor's degree in political science from Purdue University, master's degrees from the Naval Postgraduate School (National Security Affairs) and Harvard University (History) and received his doctorate from King’s College, London (War Studies). His awards include two Legion of Merit awards, and the Defense Superior Service Medal. He has twice been named the Samuel Eliot Morison Scholar by the Navy Historical Center in Washington, DC, and was also the Center’s 2005 Rear Admiral John D. Hays Fellow. He also held the Marine Corps’ 2005 General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. Fellowship. He received a number of awards, including the Naval Institute’s Author of the Year Award and United States Navy League’s Alfred T. Mahan Award for Literary Achievement.


  • Jerry Hendrix

    Former Senior Fellow and Director, Defense Program

    Jerry Hendrix was the Senior Fellow and the Director of the Defense Program at the Center for a New American Security. A retired Captain in the United States Navy, his staff ...