June 10, 2015

Navigating the Future: U.S.-Taiwan Maritime Cooperation and Building Order in Asia

By Alexander Sullivan

The United States and Taiwan are both approaching presidential elections in the next 18 months amid an environment of growing security tensions throughout maritime Asia, especially due to China’s tailored coercion. At the same time, regional politics are developing in such a way that stability across the Taiwan Strait cannot be taken for granted in the future. In this policy brief, Alexander Sullivan, an Associate Fellow in the Asia-Pacific Security Program, charts major challenges that the United States and Taiwan will face in the maritime domain over the medium term and offers a series of policy prescriptions to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks. 

The brief, “Navigating the Future: U.S.-Taiwan Maritime Cooperation and Building Order in Asia,” identifies a framework for advancing U.S.-Taiwan maritime cooperation, which consists of building transparency, fostering dialogue, and bolstering stability through deterrence. This framework is not necessarily specific to Taiwan, but is applied to the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. With specific policy recommendations offered for each component, Sullivan’s agenda for U.S.-Taiwan maritime cooperation aims to benefit regional security and allow both sides to navigate their future with greater confidence.


  • Alexander Sullivan

    Adjunct Fellow, Asia-Pacific Security Program

    Alexander Sullivan is an Adjunct Fellow in the Asia-Pacific Security Program, where he focuses on US-China relations, maritime security, regional military modernization and U....

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