January 24, 2010

Promoting the Dialogue: Climate Change and the Quadrennial Defense Review

By Christine Parthemore and Will Rogers

Congress required in the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that the Department of Defense consider the effects of climate change on all of its “facilities, capabilities and missions,” and, perhaps most notably, it called for the Department to incorporate such concerns into the next Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). When the QDR is sent to Congress on February 1st, it will offer an unusual opportunity to shift how the national security community views climate change.

In June 2009, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) launched its “Promoting the Dialogue” project to study how the Department of Defense was incorporating climate change and its effects on U.S. security into the QDR process. In this working paper, CNAS Bacevich Fellow Christine Parthemore and Research Assistant Will Rogers provide observations about how the QDR process addressed the 2008 NDAA requirement and some potential outcomes of that process.


  • Christine Parthemore

  • Will Rogers

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