July 11, 2011

Command Post Episode One: President Obama's evolving strategy for Afghanistan

By John A. Nagl, David W. Barno and USA (Ret.)

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is pleased to announce the launch of Command Post, a new video series from CNAS and TIME. The video series will take week-long looks at key national security issues, with a new angle explored each day in brief video conversations between co-hosts CNAS President John Nagl and TIME national-security correspondent Mark Thompson, and noted defense experts.  Command Post will appear on CNAS.org and TIME.com’s Battleland blog.
The joint effort begins with a week-long series of videos examining President Obama's evolving strategy for Afghanistan. Episode 1 includes interviews with Lieutenant General David W. Barno, USA (Ret.), Senior Advisor at CNAS, and Nora Bensahel, Deputy Director of Studies and Senior Fellow at CNAS.

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